Documentation sur la brutalité policière

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Le terrorisme utile

24 Octobre 2014

Lorsqu’un homme enragé a assassiné 14 femmes, il y a de cela 25 ans maintenant, plusieurs têtes pensantes (enfin, voyez ce qu’on veut dire) ont te


I hail from Ottawa. When I was at a party, on August 26th 2008, a guy threw a bottle in my face so I head butted him in the nose. His friends kicked me out and threatened to call the pice. I left regardless. When I got home, there were 4 cops there waiting for me and they followed me into my garage. I explained my side and they claimed they had six reports saying that I was the instigator. They said they're taking me in for questioning. One grabbed my wrist to cuff me and I pulled back explaining unless I'm under arrest for something I'm not required to go anywhere.
