Video: Mask Up from Standing Rock

Video: Montage of actions over the past month here at Oceti Sakowin. We are here for one reason and one reason only to KILL the Black Snake. We are here to ensure clean air, water, and land are available for the future. That is a Sacred Duty to which no one can deny us the right to enact on. The battle to stop DAPL is more than Egos or time wasting on policing your own people, as you can see in this video we have much more important issues we face! We regularly are in confrontation with over 200 to 300 Riot Police who are armed and very dangerous, and hell bent on protecting the pipeline.

Water Is Life: Mni Wiconi, without water there is no life, and without warriors fearless and faceless and brave to protect water, the pipeline will be built.

What you see in this video is brave actions taken by strong hearts! We have a great love of all our people and will fight for their grandchildren because we see seven generations forward. We do this for the future, a future worth living and dying for. Mother Earth is so precious and we must nurture and protect her at all costs.

Song: A Game (the poor cant afford to play) by Alas
Video Ninjas: West Coast Women Warriors Media Cooperative


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